Roughin' It Perk ID

Perk ID for Roughin' It in Fallout: New Vegas.

Roughin' It Perk ID

The perk ID for Roughin' It is xx00C251.


player.addperk xx00C251

This command will give you the perk, Roughin' It.

player.removeperk xx00C251

This command will remove the perk, Roughin' It.

addperk xx00C251

This command will add the perk, Roughin' It, to the selected NPC.

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You're more at home under the open stars than under a roof. Any time you sleep outside, you gain the benefits of being Well Rested, even if you don't own the bed.


  • Well Rested bonus when you sleep outside
  • even in an unowned bed
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