Ain't Like That Now Perk ID

Perk ID for Ain't Like That Now in Fallout: New Vegas.

Ain't Like That Now Perk ID

The perk ID for Ain't Like That Now is xx00A749.


player.addperk xx00A749

This command will give you the perk, Ain't Like That Now.

player.removeperk xx00A749

This command will remove the perk, Ain't Like That Now.

addperk xx00A749

This command will add the perk, Ain't Like That Now, to the selected NPC.

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Maybe you were bad once, but you ain't like that now. Your Karma has been reset to 0, you regenerate AP 25% faster, and your attack speed is increased by 20%. You are also immune to Critical Hits.


  • 25% faster AP regeneration
  • 20% attack speed increase
  • Karma reset to 0
  • Immunity to critical hits
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